Something has changed since that day
Inside of me, or outside?
I don't care whatever happened
Nothing can make me feel so good
Nothing can make me happy
Just sitting alone in the darkness
Alone in the still of the night
Alone in the everlasting vacancy
Time goes by very slowly
As a drop of ink spreads in the water
Then I hear a song, yes indeed, I hear a song
Faintly at first, strongly at last
Now I hear the song clearly
I know it comes from my heart
I sing it along for you all!
何かが変わった あの日を境に
すべてが どうでもよくなってしまった
ただひとり夜の闇に 身をゆだねるだけ
気が遠くなるくらい ゆっくりと
心の奥から 少しずつ
こみあげる叫び声は やがて強くなる
想いをたくして とどけるこの歌
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